TVIB News Tava Foret

TVIB: 2023 Training & Events Calendar

We hope you received our 2022 Holiday Greetings email this morning which contained a highlight reel of sorts for what TVIB and its members accomplished this year. If you did not receive it check your junk/spam folder or reach out and we’ll forward you a copy.

Below is the 2023 Training & Events Calendar. Registration will begin opening for courses in January. Until then, we wish you and yours a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.

Drydock/Internal Structural Examination Course (DD/ISE)
February 15-17
May 16-18
August 22-24
November 7-9

Annual Survey of Towing Vessels Course (ASTV)
March 14-16
September 12-14

Subchapter M Auditor Course (TSMS)
April 11-12
October 4-5

Other Events
Spring Info/Annual Membership/Board Meeting – May 31
Fall Info/Board Meeting – November 14
TVIB Takeaways Video/YouTube Series (2x each month)
TVIB Talks Series (Jan 26/Apr 20/Jul 27/Oct 26)


USCG: Meritorious Public Service Award for HOGANSAC and LSHSC

Today the Lone Star Harbor Safety Committee (LSHSC) and its predecessor federal advisory committee Houston-Galveston Navigation Safety Advisory Committee (HOGANSAC) were presented with a Coast Guard Meritorious Public Service award to recognize the 40th anniversary of the group. The previous chairs, COTPs, DFOs, and members were recognized by the current Sector Commander for Sector Houston-Galveston Capt. Smith and Congressman Randy Weber of Texas’ 14th Congressional District. Capt. Smith shared with the group that the model of HOGANSAC and LSHSC has been used in several ports for the development and establishment of other harbor safety committees.

This recognition was to celebrate 40 years of port stakeholders and the community working in partnership with the U.S. Coast Guard to address issues in the Marine Transportation System (MTS) within the ports of Houston, Galveston, Texas City, and Freeport including the associated waterways of the Gulf Intracoastal Waterway and offshore lightering zones. We watched the ushering in of maritime security regulations following 9-11 and saw the formation of the first Area Maritime Security Committee (AMSC). The group has been twice recognized on the national stage as Harbor Safety Committee of the year by the Transportation Research Board (TRB). Initiatives such as Brownwater University, Brownwater-Bluewater Symposium, and the Mariner Guide to Navigating the Houston-Galveston Area Waterways are but of few of the ongoing initiatives that were born out of this group.

As a previous chair of HOGANSAC, I was proud to be among this group and pleased to see that many of us have been involved for over 20 years with this group and its various committees and to see so many new faces that will carry on this important work.

#lonestarharborsafetycommittee #lshsc #hogansac #uscg #harborsafetycommittee #portofhouston #portofgalveston #portoftexascity #portoffreeport

TRAINING: LAST CALL DD/ISE Nov 8-10 Virtual Course

Friday, November 4th is the last day to register and secure your spot in this year’s final 3-day virtual Drydock/Internal Structural Examination Certification course. Enjoy completing the course from your home or office. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to prepare yourself for success in 2023, reserve your seat today!

This three-day course will provide those surveyors who plan to conduct drydock and internal structural examinations of inspected towing vessels for compliance with Subchapter M tools, skills, and knowledge to complete these examinations and provides a path toward an industry-recognized credential.

Who should attend:

  • Marine surveyors
  • Naval architects/naval engineers
  • Coast Guard Marine Inspectors and Investigators
  • Shipyard personnel involved in vessel repairs
  • Port engineers
  • Survey program managers
  • Individuals who intend to conduct drydock and internal structural examinations of ITVs

Click here for a full course description and registration.